السيدة Ernestine Umuhoza

Employment of the youth in Agriculture can be a part of solutions to end Hunger and poverty; this is not the only and unique solution to the issue but it can reduce hunger and poverty in such a way that youth is strong enough and if it is involved in the matter considerable reduction can be noticed. Again, youth involvement can increase the sustainability of the business as they are searching the way to improve their welfare and build their financial lives. In addition, they are young and still have the time to work for the business.
UMUHOZA Ernestine
Land husbandry specialist
Agriculture can contribute to eradication of extreme poverty through application of best agricultural practices in rural areas, by creating agriculture cooperatives to find the way of ensuring subsidence, good handling of the produce and easy marketing of the produce, creating agricultural jobs for the farmers, application of land husbandry technologies to control soil erosion and avoid soil nutrients losses to boost national.
السيدة Ernestine Umuhoza
To end child labor in agriculture, the Ministry in charge of agriculture and the Ministry of education and Local government should work together to track those children with schooling age who are not in school but wherever in other activities especially in agriculture and make sure they are made back to school.
Every farmer should be mobilized to not engage children in agricultural activities and punishment for those who engage them in the activities to be set.
Policies should set the age for children to be allowed to do agricultural activities.
Children and parents also have to be trained about the advantage of going to school and leave agricultural activities at certain ages and/or not rely on the activities to survive when they are still young..
To train farmers on socio-economic advantages of not using children in agricultural activities
Every country to make sure the local government is responsible for children occupation from the grassroots level
UMUHOZA Ernestine
Eng. Soil and Water management
Land husbandry Specialist SPIU RSSP3/RCSP WB/RAB/MINAGRI