Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Apprentissage et gestion des connaissances

Formation, outils et bases de données

E- learning course: Trade, food security and nutrition

The relationship between trade and food security is attracting increased attention on both the trade and development agendas, with trade recognized as one of the means for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course addresses the linkages between trade and food security, which...

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The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition - Advancing knowledge. Supporting policy-making. Impacting lives.

This new publication presents the work of the FSN Forum, offering an overview of how Forum activities and its vast network of participants around the world help FAO to tackle the root causes of poverty and hunger and support countries, organizations and communities in their efforts to improve lives. 

Call for Papers for International Conference on Climate Change, Agricultural Trade and Food Security

FAO invites those working in policy or research on agricultural trade and climate change to submit papers to be presented at the 2017 International Conference on Climate Change Agricultural Trade and Food Security.

The Conference will bring together policy makers, academics and practitioners to exchange ideas, research findings and experiences on the linkages between agricultural trade and climate change.

The outcomes of these consultations will contribute to FAO’s flagship report, The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO), which will examine the potentials of agricultural trade and trade policies to enhance food security and sustainable agricultural production in the context of a world confronting climate change impacts.

For more information on the call, please see:

More information on the conference is available here:

To register:

Registration to the Conference closes on Friday, 20 October 2017.


Quel rôle peuvent jouer les services de conseil et de vulgarisation agricole pour parvenir à l’égalité des sexes et améliorer la nutrition?

Cette discussion vous invite à analyser le rôle que la vulgarisation agricole et les services de conseil peuvent jouer pour contribuer à réduire les inégalités entre les sexes et améliorer la nutrition. Les résultats de cette discussion serviront à éclairer les travaux du Groupe de travail sur la nutrition du Forum mondial pour le conseil rural (GFRAS) et les participants interessés pourront devenir membres de la communauté générale de ce groupe de travail. 


FAO/INFOODS Global Database for Pulses on Dry Mater Basis

The FAO/INFOODS Global Database for Pulses on Dry Mater Basis (PulsesDM1.0) has been published on the INFOODS website

The FAO/INFOODS Global Database for Pulses on Dry Mater Basis (PulsesDM1.0) provides nutrient values for pulses on a DRY MATTER BASIS – it is intended mainly for standard setting purposes. Pulses are a subgroup of legumes that includes dry edible seeds with low fat content. The data were recalculated to dry matter basis from the average nutrient values for 16 species published in the FAO/INFOODS Global Food Composition Database for Pulses (uPulses). In uPulses, data derived mainly from chemical analysis, were complemented by data from other published sources and compiled following standards and guidelines outlined by FAO/INFOODS. PulsesDM cover proximates, minerals, vitamins, phytate, amino acids and fatty acids fractions for foods in raw and processed forms on.

Formation, outils et bases de données

FAO Policy Portal

FAO is committed to strengthening its engagement and impact at policy level in order to meet the challenges presented by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and within our own strategic framework. The FAO policy portal provides a gateway to FAO policy and governance work on the many critical...

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Boîte à outils et Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition

La FAO vient de publier de nouvelles ressources : la Boîte à outils et les Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition. Cet ensemble intégré de manuels – résultat d’un processus collaboratif impliquant les différentes divisions techniques de la FAO et les partenaires extérieurs – a pour but d’améliorer les capacités pour formuler, mettre en œuvre, suivre et évaluer des politiques et programmes d’alimentation et d’agriculture sensibles à la nutrition, ceci en ligne avec la Déclaration de Rome sur la nutrition, les ODD et la Décennie d’action des Nations Unies pour la nutrition.

La boîte à outils comprend quatre manuels:

La série de Cours en ligne sur l’agriculture et les systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la nutrition s’appuie sur l’utilisation de scenarios et une méthode d’apprentissage expérimentale afin d’aider les professionnels impliqués dans la formulation de politiques et de programmes à intégrer la nutrition dans leur travail.  

Deux modules sont déjà disponibles en ligne:

Ces ressources sont gratuites et libres d’accès, et téléchargeables aux liens suivants :



Online discussion on "Agroecology and Nutrition"

TECA (Technologies and practices for small agricultural producers), FAO’s free web based online information and communication platform for smallholders, has launched an online discussion on "Agroecology and Nutrition". The objective of this discussion is to identify successful agroecological farming practices which contribute to nutritious food systems.

Many successful experiences have already been documented on various platforms of FAO, e.g. TECA (during the previous discussions on “Sustainable agriculture through Agroecology” and “Agroecology and Soil Health”) and on Agroecology Knowledge hub. Based on these and other experiences, a three-week discussion will be held, inviting you to share your knowledge and experiences on agroecology and successful agroecological farming practices and approaches.

The discussion page can be accessed through the following link:

The discussion will be available from 20 March until 12 April 2017.

For any further information please contact: [email protected].

Webinar: Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition

The SUN Civil Society Network invites you to participate in the Learning Route follow up webinar:

Fostering Learning and Innovation in Nutrition

Date: 31st January 2017

Time: 10:15 - 12:00 (GMT)

Language: English (translation in Frengh and Spanish will be available for the Q&A sessions)

At the end of October the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Civil Society Network, in collaboration with SUN Alliance Rwanda and PROCASUR Corporation, launched the first international Learning Route exchange programme in Rwanda. This six day peer-to-peer learning exchange brought together alliances from 9 African countries to learn from innovations being used by stakeholders in Rwanda including civil society to scale up nutrition. The Learning Route focused on key areas of intervention including multi stakeholder coordination, communication for behavioural change, social mobilisation, value chains and decentralisation. As result of the LR exchange, each Alliance submitted an “Innovation Plan”.

Join the webinar to find out more about the learning and innovations developed by the Alliances.