全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)




由于更新了很多国家的数据,今年我们能更精确地对世界饥饿状况进行估算。尤其是新数据的出现帮助我们对中国2000年以来所有食物不足系列年度估计数进行了重新修订,大幅调低了世界食物不足人数。尽管如此,修订后的数字仍印证了以往几期报告中提出的趋势:全球饥饿人口数量自2014年起一直呈缓慢增加趋势。报告还显示,各种形式营养不良带来的负担依然是一项挑战。虽然在儿童发育迟缓、低出生体重和纯母乳喂养相关方面已取得一定进展,但进展速度依然过慢。在所有区域,儿童超重问题尚未得到改善,成人肥胖问题则不断加重。 本报告除了对粮食安全和营养状况进行常规评估外,还增加了在假设过去十年趋势持续不变的情况下...



《2020年农产品市场状况》旨在讨论全球和国内农业和食品市场促进经济、社会和环境可持续发展的政策和机制。报告围绕全球贸易和发展讨论的核心趋势和挑战展开分析。主题涵盖贸易和市场的演变、粮食和农业全球价值链的形成、发展中国家小农参与价值链和市场的程度、数字技术对市场的变革性影响。 《2020年农产品市场状况》围绕上述主题讨论了能够促进包容性经济增长并利用市场助力实现《2030年议程》及其可持续发展目标的政策和制度。

FAO/GIEWS quarterly global report Crop Prospects and Food Situation

FAO/GIEWS has released the latest issue of the Crop Prospects and Food Situation quarterly report, which highlights that food assistance needs grow as the COVID-19 pandemic hits incomes. Globally, 45 countries, including 34 in Africa, are in need of external assistance for food. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly through the loss of income and jobs related to containment measures, have severely aggravated global food security conditions, as well as increasing the number of people in need of assistance. Conflicts and weather shocks remained critical factors affecting the current high levels of severe food insecurity.



Larger harvests are estimated in Southern Africa and East Africa, despite floods and outbreaks of desert locusts; although pest damages have been largely contained, serious concerns remain in some countries. Adverse weather reduced wheat outputs in North African countries, while cereal production in West Africa is foreseen at a slightly above-average level. Protracted conflicts continue to limit growth in agricultural production in Central Africa.


Widespread floods caused damage in several countries in Far East Asia, but rains across the subregion were also beneficial for paddy production and the output in 2020 is forecast at a record high. In the Near East, reflecting improved security conditions and favourable weather, production upturns were estimated in the Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq in 2020. Rainfall shortages generally kept wheat outputs in CIS countries at below-average levels, but barley production increased driven by larger plantings.

Latin America and the Caribbean

In South America, cereal production is forecast to reach a new record high in 2020 underpinned by large maize plantings in Brazil and Argentina, as weak currencies boosted export demand and incentivized farmers. In Central America and the Caribbean, overall favourable weather conditions supported good yields, and cereal production in 2020 is expected at a slightly above-average level.

Please download the full report here: http://www.fao.org/3/cb1101en/CB1101EN.pdf


农业政策和战略如何帮助 消除农业领域童工现象?

本文件概要总结了粮农组织全球粮食安全与营养论坛(FSN论坛)4月27日至5月25日举办的题 为“农业政策和战略如何帮助消除农业领域童工现象”的在线讨论的情况。 此次讨论是粮农组织迎接“2021消除童工现象国际年”的各项活动之一,也是其推动到2025年实 现可持续发展目标8.7的更广泛工作的一部分。应对农业领域童工问题往往需要采取综合性跨领域 方法。因此,参加者应邀围绕在减少农业领域童工现象方面切实有效的政策和战略的问题分享信 息和案例研究,分别涉及以下各领域:1)饥饿和营养不良;2)气候变化和环境退化;3)家庭农 业;4)创新;5)公共和私人投资;6)对国内供应链的关注;7)跨领域政策和战略。...

SALSA Project Final Conference: Can small farms and food businesses improve people’s access to more and better food in our globalized world?

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the University of Évora present the

SALSA Project Final Conference

Can small farms and food businesses improve people’s access to more and better food in our globalized world?

Thursday, 25 June 2020 from 10:00 to 11:00 and from 11:30 to 13:00 (CET)

Please register to follow the virtual event through the Zoom conferencing platform.

The webcast will be streamed live on YouTube in English.

For more information click here.

The Research and Extension Unit (AGDR) of FAO participates in SALSA – Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security, an EU-funded research project of the Horizon2020 program which run from April 2016 to July 2020 with the aim to provide a better understanding of the role of small farms and small food businesses in meeting the sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS) challenge.

SALSA – Small Farms, Small Food Businesses and Sustainable Food Security, is an EU-funded research project of the Horizon2020 program which run from April 2016 to July 2020 with the aim to provide a better understanding of the role of small farms and small food businesses in meeting the sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS) challenge. SALSA pioneered a novel integrated multimethod approach in 30 regions across 19 countries in Europe and Africa using the most recent satellite technologies, transdisciplinary approaches, food systems mapping and participatory foresight analysis.

The Final Conference will take place on 25 June 2020 and will be divided into two main parts:

Part A – 10:00 – 11:00 (CET)

Overview and highlights of main results from the SALSA project

The first part of the Conference aims to summarise and illustrate SALSA’s main results including:

  • new concepts and theory developed by the project with respect to small farms and food businesses;
  • the validated SALSA methodology, used for identification of small farms crop types, crop area and production estimates, as well as regular monitoring of small farms’ production;
  • the novel typology of small farms identified and their importance within food systems;
  • Food systems’ maps which unveil the role of small farms and their market linkages within the food systems.


Part B – 11:30 – 13:00 (CET)

Enabling governance and policy recommendations for small farms and small food business

SALSA has aimed to contribute to strengthen the role of small farms and small food business in regional food systems.

This second part of the Conference highlights two of the main SALSA’s contributions in this regard:

  • the identification and characterisation of enabling governance frameworks for small farms and small food business;
  • tailored and fit-for-purpose multilevel policy recommendations.
  • These are particularly crucial in the midst of relevant processes of policy reform in the European Union (CAP and its National Strategic Plans, ‘Farm to Fork’ and ‘Biodiversity’ new strategies, EU-Africa Strategy), as well as in the frame of the current COVID-19 crisis and its impacts on the food system.


The two sessions will welcome the active participation and questions from the audience.

The Programme of the Conference and the bios of the speakers are also available at this link




Survey on the CFS Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) has launched a survey to collect experiences and good practices in the use and application of the CFS Framework for Action for Food Security and Nutrition in Protracted Crises (CFS-FFA).

This survey complements an earlier call for inputs issued in March 2019 and will contribute to monitoring progress on the use and application of the CFS-FFA, both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective.

The survey is available in EnglishFrench and Spanish and you are welcome to provide your answers in any of the six UN languages. Deadline is the 30 April 2020.

For additional information, please contact [email protected].

Webinar: Evaluation criteria: what's new and what changes for agriculture and food security?

Evaluation criteria: what's new and what changes for agriculture and food security?

12 February 2020

15:00 - 16:00 Central Europe Time

Speaker: Megan G. Kennedy-Chouane, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD

Facilitator: Rachel Sauvinet Bedouin, Senior Evaluation Officer, FAO

The evaluation criteria first set out by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 1991 have recently been revised. In this webinar, you will learn about the new definitions, the significance of the changes and the new coherence criteria. Examples from evaluations of projects and programmes in agriculture, food security and nutrition will be discussed. There will be time to have your questions answered and share ideas on how the revised criteria can improve the practice of evaluation.

This webinar is organised by the EvalForward Community of Practice www.evalforward.org 

If interested in participating please contact [email protected]