Лесное хозяйство


Онлайн-консультация, посвященная разработке глобального базового набора (GCS) связанных с лесами показателей

Леса играют жизненно важную роль для продовольственной безопасности и питания, обеспечивая пищу и средства к существованию для большого числа представителей беднейших слоев населения на Земле, а также экологические услуги, имеющие решающее значение для сельскохозяйственного производства. В связи с этим, Совместное партнерство по лесам (СПЛ) в сотрудничестве с Форумом FSN проводят онлайн-консультацию, посвященную разработке глобального базового набора связанных с лесами показателей.


Online consultation on the first draft of the FAO voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring

Reliable information on forests is fundamental for improving the management of forest resources. This information can be used as an indicator of biodiversity, hydrology, and soil conservation and is also needed to fulfil the reporting requirements of many international agreements, such as the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. In this context, the 21st Committee on Forestry requested FAO to prepare a set of voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring.

Forests 'pivotal' for food security

Forests can play a vital role in supplementing global food and nutrition security but this role is currently being overlooked, a report suggests.

The study says that tree-based farming provides resilience against extreme weather events, which can wipe out traditional food crops.

It warns that policies focusing on traditional agriculture often overlook the role forest farming could play.

The findings were presented at the UN Forum on Forests in New York, US.

The report is the result of a collaboration of more than 60 leading scientists, co-ordinated by the International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO) on behalf of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF).

"The report is not trying to suggest that people should start relying on forests more than conventional agriculture," explained Bhaskar Vira, the chair of the panel which compiled the report.

"It is very much about the complementary roles that forests can play alongside conventional agriculture.

"The evidence shows that a large number of people still rely on the food from forests and trees to supplement their diet," Dr Vira, director of the University of Cambridge Conservation Research Institute. Read more


Social protection for building resilience of forest dependent people

Forest dependent people are often located in remote and poor areas where livelihood opportunities are limited. Poverty, vulnerability, marginalization and social exclusion are among the major challenges they face. In these contexts, forests often serve as a safety net to cope with crises, which can lead to the unsustainable management of forest resources. What is the role of social protection in promoting and protecting the livelihood of forest-dependent people?

Флагманские публикации ФАО

Состояние лесов мира 2014

Приумножение социально-экономических выгод, обеспечиваемых лесами Во всем мире леса, расположенные на сельскохозяйственных землях насаждения и агролесоводческие системы играют ключевую роль в качестве источников средств к существованию для сельского населения, обеспечивая его рабочими местами...

Доклады и информационные сводки

Advancing Agroforestry on the Policy Agenda – A guide for decision-makers

Agroforestry Working Paper, no. 1 Agroforestry systems include both traditional and modern land-use systems in which trees are managed together with crops and/or animal production systems in agricultural settings. Even though these benefits justify increased investment in the development of...


Forests and trees provide benefits for food security and nutrition – what is your say?

Forests, trees on farms and agroforestry systems contribute to food security, nutrition and livelihoods in several ways, including as a direct source of food, fuel, employment and cash income. Such contributions are often under-estimated in policy decisions. What are the bottlenecks hindering a greater contribution of forests, trees on farms and agroforestry systems to food security? Are there examples of innovative approaches or good practices? How can forests and trees feature more prominently in food security policies?