The Human Right to Adequate Food
FAO in Geneva Social Protection thematic dialogues and World Food Day
Genève (Switzerland), Hybrid Event, 15/10/2024
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The Human Right to Adequate Food: FAO in Geneva Social Protection thematic dialogues
15 October 2024 at 9:30 – 11:00 CEST
Building H, Room H-313, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland and Online
As part of the commemorations of the World Food Week, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) invite you to a dialogue on “The Human Right to Adequate Food¨. This event is framed within the FAO in Geneva Social Protection thematic dialogues organized in collaboration with the Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division of FAO. It aims to bring together Permanent Missions, experts from the UN, civil society, governments, national human rights institutions, and grassroots organizations to discuss and exchange on how the right to food framework and rights-based approaches to social protection can have a transformative impact on combating poverty and securing the realization of the right to food for all.
- Share knowledge on the right to adequate food, the right to social protection and their intrinsic connection.
- Present evidence on the impacts of right to adequate food approach for ensuring greater impacts of social protection on the availability, accessibility, adequacy and sustainability of food;
- Present concrete experiences from countries and International Organizations regarding practical synergies between the right to social protection and the right to food;
- Identify lessons and policy recommendations for rights-based social protection that will work towards the realization of the RTF for all.
Opening Remarks
- Fabio Veras Soares, Director of International Studies at the Brazilian Institute of Applied Economic Research
Keynote speakers
- Lauren Philips, Deputy Director, FAO Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division
- Todd Howland, Chief of Development and Economic and Social Rights Branch, OHCHR
- H.E. Ambassador Ram Prasad Subedi, Permanent Mission of Nepal to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva
- Julian May, Director, The Department of Science and Innovation and National Research Foundation Centres of Excellence in Food Security, South Africa
- Ana María Suarez Franco, Accountability and Monitoring, FIAN International
- Michael Windfur, Expert of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Q&A session
Moderated by Dominique Burgeon, Director of FAO Liaison Office in Geneva