TOPC online meeting

The Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC) was established to develop a balanced and integrated system of in situ, air- and space borne observations of the terrestrial ecosystems for long-term monitoring of land (biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and anthroposphere) properties and attributes.
1. Review of Actions from previous TOPC online meeting (see art the end)
2. TOPC membership updates
3. Review Actions and Recommendations (link) from TOPC-24 meeting in Bonn
4. GCOS-IP actions · TOPC responsible people to comment on the status of “their” actions and propose a timeline
· Outcomes from the CPG discussion held at the GCOS Joint Panels Meeting in Bonn
5. TOPC Next meetings
· Next online meeting: end of January 2024
· Next in person meeting: identify the week
6. AOB