يقدّم هذا القسم مقالات وأخبارا عن الأنشطة التي تجريها المنظمة بالاستعانة بالتكنولوجيا والمنهجيات الجغرافية المكانية.

There has never been a more urgent need to restore damaged ecosystems than now. About 60% of the global ecosystem services have been degraded during the last 50 years. Restoring ecosystems is crucial for the achievement of the...

Category 2 Tropical Cyclone Eloise hit central Mozambique on January 23, 2021 with wind gusts reaching 160 km/h. The cyclone epicenter hit Buzi district and caused flooding, and impacted agricultural production in several provinces.
A rapid assessment...
15 February 2021

There has never been a more urgent need to restore damaged ecosystems than now. About 60% of the global ecosystem services have been degraded during the last 50 years. Restoring ecosystems is crucial for the achievement of the...
24 November 2020

Unprecedented damages have been recorded after Category 5 hurricane Iota passed over Providencia Island, Columbia between the 15th and 16th of November 2020. Communication to the island was lost for at least 20 hours. In order to rapidly...
15 November 2020

Record rainfall in this rainy season in 2020 has had an impact on West African countries. As of October 10, 2020, floods affected an estimated 2.1 million people in many regions of West and Central Africa. The impact...