يقدّم هذا القسم مقالات وأخبارا عن الأنشطة التي تجريها المنظمة بالاستعانة بالتكنولوجيا والمنهجيات الجغرافية المكانية.
16 November 2018

FAO’s Geospatial Unit took part in Earth Observation Week, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA). The event focused on Earth Observation (EO) Open Science and Future Earth Observation and took place at the European Space Research Institute in Frascati, Italy. The...
10 September 2018

FAO’s Subregional Office for Central Asia led workshops and field trips to the Turkish provinces of Ankara, Konya, Erzurum in July and September 2018 under the project ’Agricultural implications for ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in Steppe ecosystems’....
29 May 2018

The Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (MFAL) is working on a detailed action plan to implement and monitor Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EBA) in the Anatolian Steppe following April’s ‘study tour’ workshop at FAO Headquarters.
02 April 2018

Last month’s workshop on Regional Land Cover Monitoring in Bangkok saw a strong coordinated effort among participating countries from the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region, to use the same land cover classification systems and produce regionally standardized land cover maps....
28 March 2018

This month FAO welcomed the new Head of the Geospatial Unit, Douglas Muchoney and launched this new website: ‘Geospatial information for sustainable food systems’. Both come at an opportune moment as FAO expands its work to...