Training for the field data collection to analyse spatio-temporal dynamics of air pollution and the delineation of hotspots in Lao PDR

Field data collection training to analyze the spatio-temporal dynamics of air pollution and the delineation of hotspots in Lao PDR was organized from 17 to 19 May 2022 at the Institute of Research and Natural Resources and Environment Statistics, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR). Two field teams, from the Research and Remote Sensing/GIS Division of the Natural Resources and Environment Research and Statistics Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, were trained to methodological approach and field data collection tools to validate remote sensing results and assess the contribution of biomass burning to air pollution in Lao PDR.
The training included presentations on sampling strategy, use of field form using KoBo collect, field data collection in two provinces (Luangprabang and Savankhet). Out of 18 provinces in Lao PDR, the two selected provinces had the highest fire frequency for the period 2015-2021 based on remote sensing analysis.