Revival of Balochistan Water Resources Programme (RBWRP)

In response to the priorities of the Government of Balochistan has formulated the “Revival of Balochistan Water Resources Programme (RBWRP) (GCP/PAK/159/EC)”. Currently Balochistan is facing multiple issues and challenges with the management of its natural resources, especially water and rangelands, as well as the associated agricultural and livestock sectors. The critical limiting factors of the agricultural sector in Balochistan are inefficient water use and unsustainable rangeland management. Therefore, improving water and rangeland management are among the most important areas of investment for realizing Balochistan’s economic potential, and for reducing poverty and inequalities among the population. The overall objective of the RBWRP is to improve income and food security in selected river basins through sustainable agricultural and livestock farming systems based on sustainable, equitable management of water and rangeland resources by introducing environmentally sustainable resource management practices to cope with the effects of climate change and revert environmental degradation in selected river sub basins. The RBWRP project has four outcomes (1) effective governance structures sustainably and equitably deliver evidence-based oversight of water and rangeland resources at provincial, river basin, watershed and community levels, (2) transition to low water use agriculture and livestock farming systems, (3) water efficient and profitable agricultural value chains and (4) enhancing the core capacities of Government institutions, academia, community, and the private sector to support and manage their water and rangeland resources sustainably and equitably.