On trouvera ici des exemples de projets clos ou en cours sur le suivi agricole et l’évaluation de la couverture des sols qui ont été menés par la FAO au moyen de méthodes et d’outils géospatiaux.
01 July 2019

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasing role in addressing the problems faced by agriculture. The challenges faced by agriculture from climate change alone are enormous and the need for farming communities to adapt and become...

The sustainable management of Tunisia's natural resources faces growing challenges due to human pressure and growing environmental issues, including climate change. Sustainable management of natural resources requires precise and regularly updated information. These are the result of planned,...
01 January 2019

The FAO, with support from the European Union and other donors, has established the Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) system since 2002, in collaboration with Somali government ministries. SWALIM serves as a comprehensive national and regional system, aligned...

FAO's Somalia Water and Land Information Management (SWALIM) system has been collaborating with Somali government ministries since 2003, initially with support from the Italian cooperation and other donors. Over 15 years, SWALIM has established a robust information system for land...
01 November 2017

"Building Disaster Resilience in Pakistan" is a UK/DFID funded programme aimed at directly supporting the implementation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy and the National Disaster Management Plan (NDMP).
The goal of the programme is to increase Pakistan’s...