01 August 2017

The main goal of the project TCP/MCD/3602 is to improve agricultural production and increase the adaptive capacity of the Republic of North Macedonia, by establishing National Agro-Ecological Zoning (NAEZ), a Land Resources Information Management System (LRIMS) and Scenario Development to...

Charcoal production in Somalia presents a complex set of challenges, including environmental degradation, ongoing conflicts, and a reliance on unsustainable income sources. These challenges can be categorized into five main areas: environmental unsustainability, political instability, regional demand exceeding supply, widespread...
01 December 2016

The overall project GCP/TUR/063/EC aims to increase the resilience of societies and steppe ecosystems to the impacts of climate change. The first objective is to increase national capacity and awareness in preparation for the adoption of medium and long-term climate...

The project aims to assist the Islamic Republic of Iran to establish an improved and operational agriculture monitoring system based on sustainable methods, tools and technology that improves the quality of agriculture information based on the use...

The main goal of the project, funded by the European Union, is to improve monitoring and analysis of agricultural production systems to support agri-cultural policies and food security in the country. Project results and lessons will be...