GFOI R&D Exchange: Forest disturbance alerts
The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) Research and Development (R&D) Coordination Component is hosting the first session of its GFOI R&D Exchanges – Forest disturbance alerts: country experiences, guidance and next steps – online from 15.00 to 16.30 CEST (GMT +2.00). Space is limited – register here to secure your spot.
The GFOI R&D Exchanges are a new online series of bimonthly events designed to foster discussions on evolving forest monitoring methods and their applications in national forest monitoring systems. These meetings will serve as a dynamic platform for our research community and interested stakeholders to exchange information and insights on recent research achievements and persisting gaps. The sessions will focus on the current GFOI R&D Priorities: degradation and regrowth mapping, biomass/emission factor estimation, deforestation alerts, uncertainty analysis, and land use and greenhouse gases, including wetland monitoring.
In this first session, we will hear about practical examples of near real-time (NRT) alert use in the field and engage in a community discussion to gather your input on the key challenges and opportunities on the use of forest disturbance alerts, as well as future improvements for updated guidance.
We look forward to your participation and contribution to these important discussions. Please click here to register today.