GFOI Capacity Building Summit

Washington DC (UMD)
30 January 2023 - 03 February 2023

The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) will convene its Capacity Building Summit from January 30 to February 03, 2023, in Washington DC.

Hosted by GFOI’s Lead partner the US SilvaCarbon Program, the GFOI Capacity Building Summit will assemble representatives from across the GFOI community, including countries receiving technical assistance, capacity-building implementers, financial institutions, academia, NGOs, the private sector and other development partners.

The Summit will enable discussions and planning on the delivery of high-quality capacity building support to countries from the international community in an efficient and effective manner. The Summit will focus on broader issues such as how best to target capacity building support at country needs, fit-for-purpose modalities and collaborative approaches to helping countries to implement NFMS and associated emissions MRV procedures.