Call for papers for a special Issue on "National REDD+ Monitoring and Reporting"

27 January 2021

The GFOI community is invited to submit research works on "National REDD+[1] Monitoring and Reporting" for publication in a special issue of the “Remote Sensing” Journal.

Requirements for REDD+ related forest monitoring are evolving and consolidating in terms of the types of information required, monitoring frequency, accuracy and transparency. While several performance-based REDD+ frameworks are moving forward, different methods, tools and frameworks for monitoring and reporting are maturing for use by national and other REDD+ stakeholders.

This special Issue will focus on national and local case studies, covering tropical humid and dry forest domains, which focus on different monitoring targets (area change, forest degradation, carbon stocks, burned area, forest types and biodiversity), using novel methods for the analysis of satellite data, and showcasing how they evolve from research to operational use in country contexts. The use of open methods and free data (such as Copernicus data) is preferred and should be explored.

In addition, general contributions that discuss reporting requirements and needs related to international, national and local implementation frameworks are welcome. Early warning forest monitoring systems, monitoring of deforestation drivers, and other concepts that feed into policymaking and the assessment of policy outcomes can also be included.


Dr Frédéric Achard

Prof Dr Martin Herold

Dr Christophe Sannier

Dr Sarah Carter

Guest Editor


GOFC-GOLD will support the authors in preparing the manuscript. The final deadline is 31 May 2021.

More info here.


[1] Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries