GFOI Family of Resources launched at the GFOI Plenary 2023
The new package brings together ten years of resources developed through the Global Forest Observations Initiative.
The Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) has launched the GFOI Family of Resources (GFoR), consolidating Initiative’s resources into a single package, including the Methods and Guidance Document (MGD), REDDcompass, Registry of Tools, and OpenMRV. These resources were developed separately but have now been interconnected, providing more powerful advice, support, tools, training, and resources to a wide range of stakeholders.
The GFoR provides a more complete package of resources to support countries through the complex process of developing National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) and associated emissions Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) procedures. It also provides an organizing framework for the vast amount of technical resources the GFOI community has developed to support countries in implementing their systems. It is a neutral hub of guidance, products and instructional materials that allows countries to select products that best suit their own needs and circumstances.
The GFoR was launched as part of the GFOI Plenary 2023, presented to over 300 in-person and 1 000 virtual participants in the 3-day event discussing the role of forest information in addressing climate change.
The development of the GFoR followed an organic path, with new resources added as the need was identified during the implementation of forest carbon monitoring in tropical countries.
The MGD, first published in 2014 and now in its third edition, offers practical guidance for linking UNFCCC decisions related to Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) procedures for REDD+ with the IPCC’s good practice guidance. It aims to increase mutual understanding between user groups and guide the collection of relevant data while complementing guidance from various organizations. It is relevant to all countries but is mainly intended for technical decision-makers and policy colleagues in REDD+ countries, as well as their development partners.
REDDcompass, on the other hand, presents the advice of the MGD in a systems framework for developing robust and sustainable National Forest Monitoring Systems that meet multipurpose reporting requirements. REDDcompass is a series of actions linked to MGD advice and other GFOI resources designed to identify the people, processes, data, and documentation required to meet MRV requirements.
The Registry of Tools is a platform for promoting tools and software for forest monitoring and connecting these to relevant actions in REDDcompass and guidance in the MGD.. It went live in 2019 and provides a comprehensive list of tools that serve the GFOI community’s forest monitoring activities.
Finally, OpenMRV, launched in 2021, is an online repository for detailed instructional material on how to implement tools and products to address MRV procedures.
The GFOI Family of Resources provides content for everyone, from inventory compliers to policymakers and those with a technical interest or a desire to learn more. Each resource builds on the strengths and addresses the gaps of the others, making it a valuable platform for anyone interested in forest monitoring.