FAO in Ghana

FAO Projects list

A comprehensive review of Ghana’s agriculture sector and FAO’s comparative advantages was undertaken which enabled the setting of strategic objectives, representing the three main areas of the CPF on which FAO will concentrate its efforts in striving to achieve its vision and goals in Ghana through these projects:

Development of National Agricultural Engineering Policy and Strategy

Development of National Agricultural Engineering Policy and Strategy


A modernised Agricultural structure for a sustained food and raw material security and industrialisation for increased employment opportunities and poverty reduction

NTE : 31 Aug 2019

Amount: 139,000 USD

Donor: FAO (100%)

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Agriculture

Code: TCP/GHA/3603



Promoting and Enhancing Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources for better Ecosystem Services and Resilient Livelihoods of Keta and Ada Coastal communities sector in Africa (Roots and Tuber)

Promoting and Enhancing Sustainable Management of Wetland Resources for better Ecosystem Services and Resilient Livelihoods of Keta and Ada Coastal communities sector in Africa (Roots and Tuber)


To address issues militating against lagoons through a holistic approach with the overall goal of enhancing the management of lagoon resources while promoting livelihood options and resiliency of Keta and Ada Coastal community dwellers.

NTE: 31 Aug 2019

Grant: 395,000 USD

Partners: FAO and Ministry of Environment Science Technology and Innovation

Code: TCP/GHA/3604 (17/III/GHA/237)



Support to the Planting for Food and Jobs Campaign

Support to the Planting for Food and Jobs Campaign


 To support Government to create an enabling environment for employment creation through agricultural entrepreneurship.

NTE: 24 Sep 2019

Amount: 434,000 USD

Donor: FAO (100%)

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Agriculture

Code: TCP/GHA/3607




Support to the promotion of conservation agriculture and integrated pest management for sustained soil fertility and productivity

Support to the promotion of conservation agriculture and integrated pest management for sustained soil fertility and productivity


To improve soil productivity and conservation for enhanced livelihoods , food security and resilience building while preserving and enhancing the natural resource base sustainably.

NTE: 01, September 2016

Amount: 500,000 USD

Donor: FAO

Partners : FAO Ministry of Agriculture

Code: TCP/GHA/3701

Support to the Strengthening of Food Control Systems in Ghana

Support to the Strengthening of Food Control Systems in Ghana

Objectives :

To put in place a functional National Food Safety certification, standardization and regulation to meet the challenges of a modern food industry

NTE: 31 May 2021

Amount: 300,000 USD

Donor: FAO

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Agriculture

Code: TCP/GHA/3702



Support to malnutrition reduction in women and vulnerable populations through food-based approaches

Support to malnutrition reduction in women and vulnerable populations through food-based approaches


To address the challenges that hinder the consumption of nutritious foods by vulnerable populations using food-based approaches

NTE: 30, November 2016

Amount: 225,000 USD

Donor: FAO

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Agriculture

Code: TCP/GHA/3703

Strengthening capacities for nutrition - sensitive food systems through a multi-stakeholder approach (involving private sector, civil society organizations and academia)

Strengthening capacities for nutrition - sensitive food systems through a multi-stakeholder approach (involving private sector, civil society organizations and academia)


The project objective is to build the capacities of local universities and local small and medium enterprises to promote nutrition sensitive agriculture, through public-private partnerships.

NTE: 30 Nov 2021

Amount: 1,523,696 USD

Donor: Japan

Partners: FAO, Food and Drugs Authority of Ghana

Code: GCP /GLO/712/JPN



Support to and Capitalization on the EU Land Governance Programme (Phase II).

Support to and Capitalization on the EU Land Governance Programme (Phase II).


The transversal support is provided directly to the in-country implementation teams. The government is usually a member of the implementation team. Thus, indirect support is provided to governments. The in-country projects are negotiated between concerned EU Delegations, governments and implementing partners. Therefore, the objectives of the in-country projects are aligned with the cooperation agreements between the EU and the country.

NTE: 15 Dec 2020

Amount: 2,787,069 USD

Donor: European Union 

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Agriculture

Code: GCP /INT/696/EC



Enhancing capacity/risk reduction of emerging Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) to African tilapia aquaculture

Enhancing capacity/risk reduction of emerging Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) to African tilapia aquaculture


Strengthen aquaculture biosecurity governance and knowledge and capacities on TiLV pathology, diagnostics, surveillance, emergency preparedness, contingency plans and adoption of farm-level TiLV biosecurity and tilapia good farming practices through a National Action Plan on TiLV; 2) Exchange knowledge and establish networking support to aquaculture biosecurity and AAH management among participating countries and experts.

NTE: 31, March 2020

Amount: 779,450 USD

Donor: Multilateral, African Solidarity Fund

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Fisheries

Code: GCP /RAF/510/MUL



Emergency assistance for prevention and control of H5N1 HPAI in West and Central Africa

Emergency assistance for prevention and control of H5N1 HPAI in West and Central Africa


The project will contribute to safeguard the livelihoods and the food and nutrition security of the populations of West Africa and to preserve human lives. The specific objectives of the project are: ? Strengthening the preparedness and response capacities of local Governments to prepare and respond to H5N1 HPAI and other AI virus subtypes; ? Enhancing cross-sectoral and regional coordination for immediate and effective prevention and control of HPAI in West and Central Africa ? Identifying and mapping out risk factors for virus introduction and spread in the region; ? Improving risk-based surveillance in zones most at risk; ? Supporting surge teams for rapid response activities.

NTE: 31 Dec 2019

Amount: 2,934,998 USD

Donor: USA

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Agriculture (veterinary Service)

Code: OSRO/GLO/501/USA

Recovery of environment and livelihoods of smallholder framers affected by illegal mining and improvement of climate resilience and food security through sustainable cocoa production with successional and diversified agroforestry in Ghana

Recovery of environment and livelihoods of smallholder framers affected by illegal mining and improvement of climate resilience and food security through sustainable cocoa production with successional and diversified agroforestry in Ghana




Promoting sustainable biodiversity cocoa-based agroforestry, reclaim mined-degraded cocoa lands and restore the livelihoods of smallholder farmers affected by illegal mining using SAFTA technology.

NTE: 25 Mar 2020

Amount: 800,000 USD

Donor: Japan

Partners: FAO, Ministry of Agriculture

Code: GCP /GHA/031/JPN