GIAHS - 全球重要农业文化遗产
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
  Rome.- After two years of its designation as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System, the Barroso Agro-sylvo-pastoral System presented its first report assessing the status of activities carried out in 2019-2020.  The report presents the main activities developed after the designation as a FAO GIAHS site, the efforts made to promote it inside and outside the territory as well as the activities made to implement the activities foreseen in the approved action...
A statement by FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu   Webinar with Spain, Costa Rica and the Private Sector  Forest and soils to help the planet Wednesday, 2 December 2020  Speech by the FAO Director-General, Dr QU Dongyu As prepared     Your Excellency, First Vice President of the Government of Spain, Your Excellency, Vice President of Costa Rica,  Ladies and Gentlemen, 1. By 2050, the world’s population will be close to 10 billion people. We will need to feed them and at the same time...
©Bruno Almela
On the occasion of the 1st Anniversary of the recognition of the Historical Irrigation System in l'Horta de València in Spain as an Important System of World Agricultural Heritage (SIPAM), the Citizen Chair of the Polytechnic University of Valencia celebrates a virtual dialogue with different actors to reflect and exchange ideas on how international recognition of a territory such as GIAHS can provide added value to agri-food initiatives in the...
The GIAHS-Secretariat is pleased to announce its participation in the first webinar of a series on Nature-Based Solutions in Agriculture organized by the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) on 1st December at 12 (CET). It is organized under the Regional Initiative focused on“Managing natural resources sustainably under a changing climate.” The event seeks to to generate a multi-stakeholder platform to upscale Nature-Based Solutions in Agriculture in the region,...
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