GIAHS - 全球重要农业文化遗产
Project meeting, Engaresero Maasai Pastoralist Heritage Area (Tanzania). © FAO/David Boerma.
©Fuzhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau
  Despite COVID-19, four GIAHS tea production sites celebrate International Tea Day 2020 The pandemic has severely affected the world as we know it. Farmers have seen their routines disrupted and in many cases, their livelihoods put at risk.   Despite this challenging global crisis, farmers have shown their capacity for resilience and, as stewards of nature, continue to guarantee our food security. FAO’s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) programme helps identify ways...
Celebrating tea Recognizing the long history and deep cultural and economic significance of tea around the world, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 May as International Tea Day, calling on FAO to lead the observance.  Tea production and processing are a main source of livelihoods for millions of families, particularly in developing countries. The celebration promotes the sustainable production, consumption and trade of tea, and offers an opportunity for actors at...
In a world of cultural differences, is there one thing that can bind everyone together? Well, we all need to eat. Drink too, in fact. Interestingly enough, the drink most often chosen around the world after water, is tea. It is loved by millions from India to England, Afghanistan to Algeria - each culture with its own tradition. Despite tea being centuries old, the world’s passion for the drink shows no...
©Cátedra Tierra Ciudadana
新冠疫情时期瓦伦西亚“L’horta”的恢复力 Amparo Aleixandre的日常工作与之前大不相同。这些天来,她通过短信接收订单,大部分订单来自附近的El Palmar。El Palmar是一个岛屿,距离瓦伦西亚只有几公里,有大约700名居民,被Albufera泻湖、水稻作物和果园所环绕。
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