Russian Federation to introduce quotas on exports of wheat and other cereals from February 2022


On 17 December 2021, the Commission for Customs and Tariffs of the Russian Federation approved the Ministry of Agriculture’s proposal to set an 11 million tonnes quota on cereals exports to countries outside the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), between 15 February and 30 June 2022. According to the draft regulatory legal act, the quota on exports of wheat and meslin was set at 8 million tonnes, while the quota on exports of barley, maize and rye was set at 3 million tonnes.

For the same period in 2021, the quota on cereals exports was set at 17.5 million tonnes, without a specific limit for wheat exports (FPMA Food Policies). According to the Ministry of Agriculture, since the beginning of the current marketing year in July 2021 until 16 December, the country exported 21.4 million tonnes of cereals (about 20 percent less than in the same period a year earlier), including 18.1 million tonnes of wheat (22 percent less year on year).

Country: Russian Federation
Region: Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia