Глобальный реестр рыбопромысловых судов, рефрижераторных транспортных судов и судов снабжения


2020 - FAO
Настоящий документ содержит доклад о работе четвертого совещания Неофициальной консультативно-технической рабочей группы открытого состава по Глобальному реестру (РГГР). В ходе совещания члены и наблюдатели Комитета по рыбному хозяйству ФАО изложили свои взгляды в отношении дальнейших шагов по разработке Глобального реестра,...
Media resources
2019 - FAO
The Global Record is a tool developed to assist States in combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing by effectively closing the global information gap on vessels conducting fishing and fishing-related activities. This Leaflet is intended to assist State authorities, the...
2019 - FAO
This is the report of the Third Meeting of the Global Record Informal Open-Ended Technical and Advisory Working Group held in Rome from 26 to 28 June 2017. The conclusions of the meeting, as agreed by participants, are an integral part...
Media resources
2017 - FAO
This poster provide an overview of the Global Record. This is include its' definition, its' purpose, and its' beneficiaries. It is also provide the context of SDG 14 and the FAO Strategy Objective 2, also the Code of Conduct for...
Media resources
2016 - FAO
A brochure, available in English, French and Spanish, to serve as an information tool to the media and the general public about the programme.  The Global Record is poised to add a critical new element to efforts to support the sustainability...
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