Presentations at the Regional conference on the Asian Soil Partnership
Advancing the Science and Technology of Soil Information in Asia — Launch of the Global Soil Partnership’s Asia Soil Science Network and East Asia Node, 8-11 February, 2012, Nanjing, China
- Needs and options on how to organise international, interdisciplinary scientific advice to support the implementation of the aims of the UNCCDPresentation by Mariam Akhtar‐Schuster
- Soil resource management and conservation by Azman Ab Rahman
- Soil mapping of Mongolia by Ochirbat Batkhishig and Sodnomdarjaa Iderjavhklhan
- ISRIC’s role in a digitizing world facing scarcity of natural resources by Prem Bindraban
- Environmental policies and social impacts with regard to Land and Soil management by Winfried E. H. Blum
- Sustainable management of Land and Soil multi-functionality by Winfried E. H. Blum
- Soil Information System of Taiwan Soils and Its Applications by Horng-Yuh Guo and Zueng-Sang Chen
- Towards Asia Soil Science Network by Zhang
- Oceania Node: progress towards multi-functional soil information by Mike Grundy
- Soil and Environmental Information System of KoreaSystem Korea by S.Y. Hong
- Land and Soil Resources Database for Grass‐Root Agricultural Development in Bangladesh by S.M. Imamul Huq and A.F.M. Manzurul Hoque
- Soil Survey, Soil Mapping and Soil Status in Nepal by Y.G. Khadka
- Soil survey in Pakistan, History, Achievement and Impact on Agriculture by Jarwar Attar Khan
- Using Kriging Combined with Categorical Information of Soil Maps for Interpolating Soil Properties by Dar Yuan Lee, Kai Wei Juang, and Ten Lin Liu
- Present Status and Future Needs of Soil Database Development. Country Report: Sri Lanka by Ranjith B. Mapa and Srimathi P. Indrarthne
- Soil mapping goes digital - the GlobalSoilMap experience by Alex. McBratney
- and the new Global Soil Information System by Neil McKenzie
- Forest soils in Japan and its state of development of soil information infrastructures by Satoru Miura and Shinji Kaneko
- Experiences from Bhutan Chencho Norbu
- Soil – Food & Biofuels Is this sustainable? by Stephen Nortcliff
- Land resources of Cambodia by Sovuthy Pheav
- Soil Maps and Soil Information of Thailand by Aniruth Potichan
- Global Soil Information Facilities - current status - by H. I. Reuter
- Global Soil Partnership by Ronald Vargas Rojas
- Establishment of the Asian Regional Soil Partnership by Ronald Vargas Rojas
- Policy and development of agricultural land resource mapping in Indonesia: experiences, achievements and impacts by Muhrizal Sarwani, Markus Anda and Rizatus Shofiyati
- Status of digiatal soil mapping in BSWM by Silvino Q. Tejada and Rodelio B. Carating
- The status, research progress, and new application of soil inventory in
Japanese agricultural land by Yusuke Takata, Hiroshi Obara, Kazunori Kohyama and Kazuyuki Yagi - The European Soil Data Center by Gergely Tóth, Panos Panagos, Marc van Liedekerke and Luca Montanarella
- Using Soil Information for Agricultural Production in Vietnam Research results of the Soils and Fertilizers Research Institute by Tran Minh Tien
- Soil database of China and carbon dynamics at regional scale by Xue-Zheng Shi
- Legacy soil data from China national soil survey by Wei-Li Zhang
- Predicting and mapping soil properties using proximal/remote sensing by Zhou Shi, Ji W J, Cheng J L, Li X, Zhou L Q, Huang Q T, Huang M X, Yang HQ