Microcrystalline cellulose (Cellulose gel)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 283-1978 (for use in sliced, cut, shredded or grated cheese only)
CS 263-1966, CS 264-1966, CS 265-1966, CS 266-1966, CS 267-1966, CS 268-1966, CS 269- 1967, CS 270-1968, CS 271-1968, CS 272-1968 (for surface treatment only, of sliced, cut, shredded or grated cheese for these cheese standards)
CS 262-2006 (as anticaking agent only, see functional class table in CXS 262-2006)
CS 117-1981 (anticaking agents in dehydrated products only)
CS 327-2017 (anticaking agents in ground cumin only)
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 221-2001
Xanthan gum
CS 262-2006 (for use in cheese mass only)
CS 253-2006 (see functional class table and footnote)
CS 119-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 249-2006
CS 70-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 273-1968
CS 105-1981
CS 256-2007
CS 306-2011
CS 309R-2011
CS 221-2001
CS 94-1981 (for use in packing media only)
CS 117-1981
CS 275-1973