Acción Contra la Desertificación

Burkina Faso

One-third of Burkina Faso’s national territory - over 9 million hectares of productive land - is degraded. This area is estimated to expand at an average of 360 000 hectares per year.

Action Against Desertification supports land restoration in the provinces of Soum, Séno and Yagha in Burkina’s Sahel region. In order to bring restoration to scale, the specialized Delfino plough is used for land preparation. 

Since their start in 2016 activities have covered:

Land restoration: a total of 15 137 hectares of degraded land have been restored and practices for SLM were implemented on 2 376 ha of land, benefiting to 14 789 people. Nearly 20 000 kg of seeds and 761 683 seedlings of 42 types of woody and herbaceous species were planted.

Non-timber forest products: seven organizations comprising 500 people received support for the development of non-timber forest products, including honey, Balanites oil, fodder, seed for restoration and edible fruits. USD 31 720 have been generated through these efforts.

Capacity development: 20 655 people from more than 45 rural communities, 40% of whom women, have been trained in restoration and plantation, sustainable land management techniques, monitoring and evaluation and market analysis and development of non-timber forest products. 

Action Against Desertification in Burkina Faso [read more]

  • Intervention area: 21 communes and 46 villages in the provinces of Séno, Soum and Yagha
  • Population: 772 493 inhabitants (provinces of Séno, Soum and Yagha)
  • Surface: 1.9 million hectares
  • Restoration potential: 1.1 million hectares (59% of the total surface of the provinces)