News and Events

On Tuesday 08th June 14:00 - 15:30 (Rome time, GMT+2), the FAO Technical Network on Sustainable Food Value Chains - Development & Finance (SFVC D&F) will organize the webinar "Removing Roadblocks: Lessons Learned in Leveraging Digital Technology to Increase Smallholder [...]
On Monday 12th April 15:00- 16:00 (Rome time, GMT+2), the FAO Technical Network on Sustainable Food Value Chains - Development & Finance (SFVC D&F) will organize the webinar "Transforming farmers’ access to finance through digital agriculture", to explore the pivotal [...]
After the success of the African edition of Webinar on COVID-19 and investments in agriculture:Challenges and opportunities for investing in sustainable food systems, the FAO Technical Network for Sustainable Food Value Chains Development and Finance (SFVC D&F) is organzing a [...]
“Leveraging partnerships and increasing investments in agribusiness for more inclusive and resilient food systems”
The Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) of Kenya in partnership with FAO and the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) is holding a two-days' workshop in Kisumu, Kenya, the 26th and 27th November 2020 to discuss the development of [...]