AgrInvest Food Systems

News and Events


FAO has signed an Operational Partnership Agreement (OPA) with the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), a global think tank for policy analyses on inclusive and sustainable development.  The two organizations will work together to implement the project AGRINVEST- Food systems, to foster investments aligned with the Sustainable...
In developing countries, and particularly in Africa, farmers, processors and other actors in the agriculture sector struggle to access the financial resources needed to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to increase resilience to global shocks. In...
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from 02/07/2020

The pandemic imposes the agri-food industry to rethink its modus operandi, creating opportunities for private investments to pursue a transformation of food systems towards an economic, social and environmental sustainability. The webinar is intended to serve as a roundtable among different [...]

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