AgrInvest-Food Systems Project's Consultative Workshop on Aquaculture in Kenya

As part of its activities, the Agrinvest-Food Systems Project is bringing together different value chain (VC) stakeholders to establish frameworks for action, that will prioritize one or two specific VCs to develop a roadmap for upgrading the agricultural sector.
In Kenya, the project is organizing a consultative roundtable discussion with key aquaculture stakeholders to discuss possible solutions for main challenges facing the sector. The aim is to align the sector players in tackling the key issues and also contribute in shaping the marketing strategy being developed by KENYA FISH MARKETING AUTHORITY (KFMA).
The Agrinvest-Food Systems Project will take up proposed solutions with greatest opportunities for both public and private sector investments to initiate actionable activities.
The objectives of the events are to:
•Agree & prioritise challenges facing the aquaculture sector;
• Discuss on the main solutions for unlocking the sector;
•Consolidate the solutions with an action guide led by the State Department of Livestock-Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries & Cooperatives (MoALFC), to guide existing and future Projects in implementing and designing interventions for the sector.