What is the FAO AgrInvest Inititiative?

Today, in the context of a global pandemic like COVID 19, where the disruption of supply
chains and their food systems are a major concern, initiatives such as the FAO-led AgrInvest
have become key, as they bring together development impact and risk reduction for investors,
and support to food supply chains, creating sustainable and resilient mechanisms to support
food systems transformation.
The AgrInvest initiative was established by FAO in 2018, with the objective of leveraging
private investment in agrifood systems to achieve SDGs, ensuring sustainable economic, social
and environmental impact. AgrInvest provides a combination of investment support options
in terms of (i) promoting enabling policies and policy dialogue; (ii) de-risking mechanisms and
financial services; (iv) leveraging critical public investments; (v) capacity development; and (vi)
innovative investment options.
Since its establishment, the AgrInvest initiative has been introduced and promoted to several
countries, and it has been welcomed both at government level and among private sector
stakeholders. Since 2018, funds have already been allocated through trust funds in 6
countries, namely Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya and Niger (funded by the Italian government),
Uganda (funded by the EU) and Zimbabwe (funded through the FAO technical cooperation
programme), and 14 countries are included in the pipeline.
Read the full article here: http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cb0315en