Integrated natural resources management in drought-phone and salt-affected agricultural production landscapes in Central Asia and Turkey (CACILM-2)

Project Objective

The overall objective of the Project is to scale up integrated natural resources management (INRM) in drought prone and salt affected agricultural production landscapes in the Central Asian countries and Turkey. This will be done through scaling up of sustainable management practices that minimize pressures and negative impacts on natural resources that reduce risks and vulnerability and, enhance capacity of rural communities to cope with or adapt to drought and salinity. In particular, adoption of integrated landscape management approaches and INRM practices should help stabilize and even reverse trends of soil salinization, reduce erosion, improve water capture and retention, increase the sequestration of carbon, and reduce loss of agrobiodiversity, thereby reducing the desertification trend in terms of extent and severity.

Component 1: Multi-country collaboration and partnership to foster the implementation of cost-effective INRM, focusing on drought-prone and salt-affected production landscapes


Outcome 1.1: Enhanced knowledge of the costs of land degradation and benefits of INRM, drought preparedness and biosaline agriculture to national economies and the region as a whole informs policy and investment decisions at all levels, including NAP processes


Output 1.1.1: Harmonized approach across countries for valuation of ecosystem services (VES) at various scales 

Output 1.1.2: Identification of incentives to scale up INRM

Component 2: Integration of resilience into policy, legal and institutional frameworks for integrated natural resources management (INRM)


Outcome 2.1: Resilience integrated across natural resources management (NRM) sectors and production landscapes


Output 2.1.1: Review of national policies, legal and institutional frameworks and their application at different governance levels with the view to identify gaps and potential opportunities for managing transformations

Output 2.1.2: Formulation, review or update of national drought policies, strategies and guidelines for drought preparedness planning

Output 2.1.3: Participatory resilience assessment and mapping, and livelihood diagnostics (i.e. SHARP) to support evidence-based decision-making 

Output 2.1.4: Strengthening of inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms at national level, including mainstreaming of NAPs into national sector budget allocations and investment processes for INRM scaling up 

Outcome 2.2: Incentives for climate-smart agriculture in place at national and sub-national levels 

Output 2.2.1: Increase in public and private sector (at least 5 different types of enterprises) supporting smallholder farmers to scale up best practices and adoption of self-reliant approaches for managing climate variability and change

Output 2.2.2: At least 5 resources use efficient and biodiversity friendly food and feed value-chains strengthened

Component 3: Upscaling of climate-smart agricultural practices in drought-prone and/or salt-affected production landscapes

Outcome 3.1: Upscaling of a proactive drought risk management (DRM) approach and innovative integrated natural resources management (INRM) technologies in selected production landscapes / land use systems (e.g. pastoral, agro-sylvo-pastoral, tree-based, irrigated, rainfed, home gardens)  

Output 3.1.1: At least 2 multi-stakeholder land-use plans for selected production landscapes per country

Output 3.1.2: At least 2 specialized institutions / advisory service providers with increased capacities to enhance skills of stakeholders for wide adoption of proactive risk management approach and drought mitigation technologies 

Output 3.1.3: Upscaling of 5-6 innovative drought mitigation technologies in selected production landscapes on 239,500 ha of land (at least 15 drought-tolerant species and 5 habitats, xx tCO2e, 15 % crop water productivity / irrigation efficiency)

Outcome 3.2: Adaptation and scaling up of technologies and approaches for management of salt-affected production landscapes (e.g. irrigated, pastoral, agro-sylvo-pastoral, tree-based, home gardens)  

Output 3.2.1: Guidelines for development of catchment salinity management plans developed and piloted in each country for sustainable and biodiverse aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

Output 3.2.2: At least 2 specialized institutions / advisory service providers with increased capacities to enhance skills of stakeholders for wide adoption of salinity mitigation approaches and technologies 

Output 3.2.3: Upscaling of 5-6 best practices for combating salinization, while ensuring biodiversity conservation and sustainable use on 95,500 ha of land ( at least 15 salt-tolerant species, xx tCO2e, 15% crop water productivity/irrigation efficiency 

 Component 4: Monitoring and evaluation and adaptive learning

Outcome 4.1: Project implementation based on adaptive results-based management, monitoring, and reporting for enhanced impact and visibility 

Output 4.1.1: M&E system established to measure project progress and impacts in terms of multiple global environmental benefits (GEBs), social and economic benefits

Output 4.1.2: Midterm review and final evaluations carried out and reports available

Project Implementation Structure

The project objectives will be achieved during a five-year period through four project components. It is structured as a program with one multi-country component addressing shared priorities at multi-county level (Component 1), two components at national level ensuring national implementation in selected production landscapes/land use systems (Component 2 and Component 3), and one M&E component (Component 4). Country STAR allocation specifically distributed to Components 2 and 3 will directly support national activities in the respective country: 

Component 1: Multi-country collaboration and partnership to foster the effective delivery of INRM. This multi-country component will bring together all target groups of the Central Asia region and Turkey under the auspices of ISDC and IFAS and provide a platform for:  

INRM/SLM Strategic dialogue 

Enhanced synergies of INRM/SLM interventions in the region 

Exchange of knowledge, information and data 

Component 2: Integration of resilience into policy, legal and institutional frameworks for INRM. This component will support Government of Central Asian countries and Turkey to integrate resilience into policy, legal and institutional framework for INRM, to support the scaling up and adoption of climate-smart agriculture management practices along the most appropriate impact pathways, leading to enhanced management of resilience, adaptation and transitions in production systems and landscapes in the medium and long term. 

Component 3: Upscaling of climate-smart agricultural practices in drought prone and/or salt affected production landscapes.  The scaling up will be based on multi-stakeholder land-use plans with targeted investment for selected agricultural production landscapes/land use systems (e.g. pastoral, agro-sylvo-pastoral, tree-based, irrigated/small oases production, rainfed land and home gardens), as well as guidelines for the development/piloting of watershed/catchment salinity management plans including inter alia hydrological regulations and identification of promising species/habitats for sustainable and biodiverse aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. 

Component 4: Monitoring and evaluation. To determine whether integrated approaches to natural resources management have a positive impact on ecosystem services and resilience, and livelihoods and food security, they need to be monitored, assessed and evaluated for their socio-economic and environmental impacts. 

Project Countries and Strategic Partnership Framework 


CPF Priority area 3. Sustainable natural resources management (water, land and forestry management)  

Outcome 1. Capacity of the national institutions, natural resources managers and agricultural producers supported for sustainable natural resources management  

Output 1.3. Land degradation assessment supported and Sustainable Land Management (SLM) enhanced for increasing resilience of production systems to climate change.


CPF Priority area 3. Improved resilience in responding to climate change, crises and disasters 

Outcome 3. Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the agriculture and forestry sectors, and resilience in disaster and crises situations enhanced

Output 3.3: Climate-smart-agriculture, including pasture, and  Sustainable Land and Water Management in dry lands promoted.



CPF Priority area B. Sustainable management of natural resources and improved resilience to climate change. 

Output  2.1. strengthening the policy-enabling environment along with strategies and investment programmes to combat land degradation, with emphasis on a landscape approach, and taking gender-equality aspects into consideration. 

Output 2.2. promoting innovative and multi-sectoral approaches and gender-sensitive practices and technologies in selected production landscapes for sustainable and integrated natural resources management and improved resilience to climate change. 


CPF Priority Area B: Sustainable natural resource management, climate change mitigation and adaptation. 

Output 1.2. Support for improving agricultural water management provided, particularly for increasing water use efficiency (i.e. promotion of irrigation water saving technologies). 

Priority Area C:  Increase the resilience of rural livelihoods to agriculture and food security threats and shocks 

Output 1.1. Formulation and implementation of policies, strategies and action plans to cope with extreme weather events such as drought with appropriate measures such as promotion of drought-tolerant crops and varieties supported. 


CPF Priority area E. Sustainable natural resources management and increasing the resilience to climate change 

Outcome 2. Promotion of sustainable land management and provision of the drought preparedness supported  

Output 2.1. Best practices on sustaiable land management mainstreamed and up-scaled - best practices for DLDD and SLM (desertification, land degradation, drought and sustainable land management) assessed mainstreamed into national sector policies and programs and implemented in local sites for adoption by key stakeholders 

Output 2.2. Capacity development for drought and soil salinity monitoring and management and increase of the climate smart agriculture supported.

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