Coastal Fisheries Initiative


Biotechnology company Incabiotec founder Virna Cedeño explains how her research facility in Tumbes, Peru, works to repopulate depleted species while getting local fisher communities involved in the effort to preserve the mangrove ecosystem on which their livelihoods depend.

Small-scale fishers often work in arduous conditions, facing many dangers, with no access to social security schemes. Investing in social protection can improve their  wellbeing and contribute to making artisanal fisheries a sustainable business for all.

During an exchange visit in Senegal’s Saloum Islands, women seafood harvesters and processors learn new techniques for manufacturing dried and semi-conserved products that can reach wider markets and improve their livelihoods.

Fishers and fishmongers from Maio Island travel to San Vicente Island to learn good practices in processing, marketing and community organization for more sustainable communities, businesses and ecosystems.

In Wondama Bay, West Papua, the Indigenous community practices a traditional conservation mechanism called "Sasi" in an effort to preserve fisheries resources and the marine ecosystem.

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