The aim of the Toolkit is to provide practical information to assist the design and implementation of contract farming schemes. This section of the Centre provides access to sample farming contracts and other tools including questionnaires and tools guiding the preparation, implementation, management and evaluation of contract farming operations.
Contract Samples
Access is provided to sample farming contracts covering various agricultural products worldwide. The contract samples available at the Centre should be considered as illustrative materials only. FAO does not necessarily endorse any of the samples presented on this site. They should not be seen as recommendations, but rather as samples of the types of contractual clauses and general conditions internationally used in contract farming. Several of the contracts have been translated from their original languages into English by contributors and none has been edited. With the exception of the identification of contractual partners, locations and price information that have been removed, the texts were kept as submitted to FAO. Readers wishing to utilize the examples to design contractual instruments are invited to consult relevant legal experts in their countries.
You are welcome to suggest further contract samples to be included on the website. Contributions sent to [email protected] will be duly acknowledged by FAO.
Other Tools
Other tools that may assist the design and implementation of contract farming schemes are presented in this section, including questionnaires enabling the planning, development, negotiations and implementation of the contract agreement, a checklist facilitating farmers’ selection for contract farming pilot, a check list and guiding questions for contract analysis, as well as a compliance matrix that helps prepare, manage and evaluate performance of contract farming operations.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].