Key Literature on Contract Farming
FAO. 2001. Contract farming: partnerships for growth.
FAO. 2013. Contract farming for inclusive market access.
FAO. 2018. Enabling regulatory frameworks for contract farming.
UNIDROIT, FAO and IFAD. 2015. UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD Legal guide on contract farming.
FAO, IFAD and UNIDROIT. 2017. Legal aspects of contract farming agreements. Synthesis of the UNIDROIT/FAO/IFAD Legal guide on contract farming.
FAO & IISD. 2018. Model agreement for responsible contract farming: with commentary.
World Bank Group. 2014. An analytical toolkit for support to contract farming.
FAO. 2012. Guiding principles for responsible contract farming operations.
FAO. 2017a. Contract farming and the law: what do farmers need to know?
FAO. 2017b. Contract farming and the law: what do regulators need to know?
FAO. 2017c. Legal fundamentals for the design of contract farming agreements.
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