Sierra Leone launches CountrySTAT system
The national CountrySTAT system of Sierra Leone will be officially launched. The event will be held in the premises of the Bintumani Hotel, in Freetown.
CountrySTAT is a web-based information system that allows gathering and monitoring of national and sub-national food and agriculture data in compliance with international standards. Easily accessible and maintained, it provides a solid framework for an improved accessibility of reliable and timely data, which is essential for implementing better policies and investments in agriculture. The implementation of this system will also help to strengthen the collaboration between statistical institutions, ministries of agriculture and other relevant institutions in the country.
The official launch of CountrySTAT in Sierra Leone creates an opportunity for the policy-makers, government officials, development partners and other participants to get acquainted with the value-added of the system and to learn how it can be used to improve data quality and to support the policy making process.