EAF-Nansen Programme

Fisheries Management

Outcome 2: Fisheries management institutions manage fisheries according to the EAF principles

The previous phase called the EAF-Nansen Project promoted EAF as a comprehensive management approach and assisted fisheries administrations in Africa to put in place actions required to make sure that fisheries are managed according to the priorities, and related objectives, identified in an EAF management plan.

The Programme continues to support countries with the implementation of EAF including with the development and implementation of EAF management plans. The programme can support the collection and analysis of relevant fisheries data, including social and economic data, with a view to better understanding the importance of the fishery sector and of marine ecosystems in the local and national economies on the one hand, and the implications of alternative management strategies on social and economic outcomes, on the other. The Programme also provides for support to the setting up of Fisheries Management Cycles (FMC). Furthermore, special emphasis is placed on support the establishment of management systems for managing fisheries on shared resources. Support can be provided to mainstream shared stock management systems at the national level.

While the EAF-Nansen Programme will not be able to address all the elements of the sustainability challenge that characterize fisheries in developing countries, it will build on past efforts and concentrate on providing support to the development of effective fisheries management processes in each of the main regions/ecosystems and in partner countries as applicable. A Tracking Tool to monitor implementation of EAF will also be further enhanced and will be made available to national and regional partners.