Since 2012, FAO ECTAD has been dedicated to strengthening epidemiology capacities in the Southeast Asia region, recognizing that diseases know no border. Through support channelled through the Southeast Asian Nations Regional Support Unit (ASEAN RSU) team, FAO has acclaimed political commitment through the endorsement of the Regional Strategic Framework for Epidemiology Capacity Development and Networking in ASEAN (Epi Framework) and the establishment of the ASEAN Veterinary Epidemiology Group (AVEG) by the 35th ASEAN Ministers for Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF) in 2013.
The establishment of AVEG has provided FAO with a platform to strengthen cooperation in epidemiology across the region and within individual countries. Through this network, FAO has facilitated standardized training, supported information sharing, facilitated the exchange of technical experts, provided policy advice, conducted analysis, provided technical assistance, and supported One Health cooperation.
FAO’s support for epidemiology cooperation encompasses several key initiatives, including:
- Development of the Regional Strategic Framework for Epidemiology Capacity Development and Networking in ASEAN (Epi Framework).
- Development of AVEG Terms of Reference (TOR) and Rules of Procedure (ROP).
- Support for AVEG meetings and implementation of the AVEG action plan.
- Support the collaboration between AVEG and ASEAN Plus Three Field Epidemiology Training Network (ASEAN+3 FETN).
- Provision of financial and technical support for the regional and national field epidemiology training program for veterinarians in Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Viet Nam, as well as its linkage to the global network of Field Epidemiology Training Programs (TEPHINET).
- Conduct FAO’s Epidemiology Mapping Tool mission to ASEAN Member States.
- Conduct the One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) of transboundary animal diseases for AVEG.
Moreover, through the Strengthening Mechanisms in Animal Health for a Resilient ASEAN (SMART ASEAN) project, FAO continues its support, including:
- Development of monitoring and evaluation tools to review the Epi Framework and generate baseline reports on its implementation.
- Development of AVEG transition plans to the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Animal Health and Zoonoses (ACCAHZ).