Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change

EX-ACT suite of tools presentation for Regional Office for Asia and Pacific (RAP)

News - 07.10.2021

On Wednesday, 10 June 2021, the EX-Ante Carbon Balance Tool (EX-ACT) team presented the EX-ACT suite of tools to FAO colleagues from Regional Office for Asia and Pacific (RAP) and related country offices.

The event outlined the new features of the tools and demonstrated how they contribute to better decision-making processes at local and country levels. The presentations covered the most recent updates and improvements in the EX-ACT suite of tool.

The Q&A session provided an occasion to exchange feedback and experiences about the use of the tools in the region. The event strengthened the awareness of the technical experts for the analysis, monitoring and evaluation of environmental impacts, including the carbon balance and biodiversity outcomes of policies and investments in the agrifood sector.

We want to thank all the participants for taking part to the event and for their very valuable contributions.



Picture copyright: ©FAO/Sergey Kozmin