Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change

EX-ACT past projects

The EX-ACT suite of tools can be applied at different levels of analysis to provide GHG and biodiversity appraisals in all applicable contexts. Below you will find a partial list of projects analysed with the EX-ACT suite of tools, providing an overview of the work developed and its present and future potential. For selected projects, appraisal documents are also available for consultation.

GAFSP: Green House Gas Accounting Analysis of GAFSP Public Sector Window: Executive Summary

Albania: Greenhouse gas appraisal Albania for the joint World Bank-GEF-SIDA Environmental Services Project in Albania

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sustainable Forest and Landscape Management Project

Colombia: Impacts on GHG emissions of the expansion of palm tree plantations

Democratic Republic of Congo: The Agriculture Rehabilitation and Recovery Support Project

Ethiopia: BioCarbon Fund projects - Assisted natural regeneration project in Humbo

Haiti: Sustainable Management of the Limbé Watershed and Environmental Services from Agriculture

India: BioCarbon Fund projects - Afforestation project in Himachal Pradesh

Madagascar: Carbon balance appraisal of Rice policies 2003-2020

Madagascar: Carbon mitigation potential of Rice Value Chain in Madagascar (2003-2020)

Mali: BioCarbon Fund projects - Acacia Senegal plantation project

Moldavia: BioCarbon Fund projects - Soil conservation project

Kazakhstan: Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin

Kazakhstan: Forest Protection and Reforestation Project

Kenya: MICCA - East Africa Dairy Development project

Nepal: Integrated appraisal of four projects in the AFOLU sector

Niger: Community programme of action - resilience to climate change

Nigeria: Carbon balance appraisal and economic analysis of the Nigerian Vision 2020

Republic of Congo: Strengthening carbon balance appraisal capacity in REDD+

Russia: Forest Fire Response Project

Russia: WWF Bikin Forest Conservation Project

Tajikistan: Environmental Land Management and Rural Livelihoods Project

Uganda: Agriculture Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services project

United Republic of Tanzania: MICCA - CARE International Hillside Conservation Agriculture Project

Viet Nam: Low Carbon Agricultural Support Project