Renewable Energy
The EU-STREIT PNG Programme supports development and improvement of renewable energy solutions to create an enabling environment that will embrace development of the three targeted value chains that thousands of rural communities in the Sepik Region depend on to sustain their livelihoods.
Under this component, the Programme supports policy revision and the provision of renewable energy for public facilities, enterprises, and households. The use of standalone solar photovoltaic systems has been identified to be the most appropriate source of renewable energy production for agrifood value chain development.
At the policy level, the Programme provides specific technical support on renewable energy to the Government. This includes an increased focus and inclusion of food and agriculture needs for, and applications of, renewable energy development based on project experiences.
The Programme also works on setting up solar power generation at select public facilities in the programme area, such as schools and health centres, to promote awareness of sustainable and renewable energy.
At the enterprise and farm level activities, the Programme promotes and supports the use of improved solar dryers and renewable energy sources for value addition, including the drying of cocoa, the controlled drying of vanilla and vacuum packaging to optimise quality and increase shelf life. Solar-powered freezers, and ice plants are also introduced for the drying, preservation, cooling, storage and packaging of fish and fish products.
The Programme also supports and promotes local manufacture/sourcing of improved solar-powered solutions for processing, cold chain, food markets and controlled/modified atmosphere storage facilities to enhance market access and profitability.
Besides, the Programme provides specific support for women and youth to apply renewable energy systems in the reduction of drudgery. This includes the introduction and support at large scale for the local manufacture and provision of efficient and low labour clean cooking stoves at the household level and provision of solar-powered water pumps for water supply for enterprises, household use, irrigation and fish farming.
Village-level knowledge centres and banking agent points will also be supported through the Programme to adapt and utilise renewable energy sources to power improved facilities including for better customer services, market access and product quality as well as linking to e-Agriculture solutions.
EU-STREIT PNG Innovations in the Sepik Provinces
Innovation is a key driver of the work of EU-STREIT PNG Program along the cocoa, vanilla and fisheries value chains. To learn more on the innovations...
EU-STREIT PNG Programme Contributes to PNG Mid-Term Development Plan IV: Programme Coordinator Explains
The Programme Coordinator of the 5-year EU-STREIT PNG Programme in the Sepik region, Mr Ali Said Yesuf explains that the Programme has contributed to...
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From Isolation to Opportunity: Revived Cocoa Business Marks a Turning Point for a Remote Papua New Guinea Village
In Papua New Guinea's remote Osima Village, the EU-STREIT PNG Programme transforms lives through cocoa farming, market access, gender & youth inclusion,...

Innovation Briefs - Innovative Vanilla Solar Dryer
Technical briefs on Innovative Vanilla SOlar Dryer introduced by the EU-STREIT PNG Programme, outlining its objectives, features, functionality, design,...

EU-STREIT PNG's Bi-Monthly Updates, January & February 2024
Bi-Monthly updates on the major supports delivered and activities implemented by the EU-STREIT PNG Programme in January & February 2024.