Farmers' Organizations for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (FO4ACP)



In each country, the goals of the FO4ACP are: Improved access to services to empower women, rural youth and vulnerable communities, Increased entrepreneurship, access to markets and financing through equitable value chains and business development services within POs, respecting sustainable food and agricultural principles, Facilitate a common sub-regional policy and program development process with governments, stakeholders and partners, including farmer and rural youth organizations, foster information exchange, training and capacity development.

Grenada is a state of three islands, located at longitude 61º4'W and latitude 12º4'N. It is located 145 km north of Trinidad and Tobago and is the southernmost of the Windward Islands. The total area of ​​the country is 340 km2. Grenada, which is 34 km long and 19 km wide, represents 89% of the area, and Carriacou and Petit Martinique represent 10% and 1%, respectively. Grenada is mainly volcanic in origin, steep and rugged in topography, with a main mountain range running almost north-south in two main sections. The island is politically divided into six parishes, all of them on the island of Grenada (San Andrés, San David, San Jorge, San Juan, San Marcos and San Patricio), and 1 dependency (Carriacou and Petite Martinique together). The capital is São Jorge.

The Land Development Policy Project of the Ministry of Agriculture (1995) classifies 74.9 percent of the total land mass, or 25,500 ha, as suitable for agriculture. In 2012, the total physical cultivated area was estimated at 10,000 ha, of which 70% (7,000 ha) consisted of permanent crops and 30% (3,000 ha) of temporary crops. Permanent meadows and pastures cover 1,000 ha, bringing the total agricultural area to 11,000 ha.

In 2013, the gross domestic product (GDP) was US$ 834 million. Agriculture accounted for 5 percent of GDP, while in 1992 it accounted for 11 percent. In 2013, total population economically active in agriculture is estimated at 9 000 inhabitants (20 percent of economically active population), of which 22 percent is female and 78 percent is male.