The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism


There is no universal recipe to implement FLR successfully in every context. The selection of the site, restoration method and species will depend on the needs and objectives of the interventions. Here different approaches and tools can be found to guide you through the implementation process. This module has been developed in the context of the GEF6 funded program “The Restoration Initiative”

The Partners to the Collaborative Roadmap

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  • FAO
  • IUCN
  • UNEP
  • GEF
To introduce the concept of FLR in Ghana, the Government of Ghana supported the establishment of a National Working Group on Forest Landscape in 2004 to develop a National Plan of Action on FLR and encourage innovative restoration efforts. In addition, a National workshop on ITTO guidelines for the restoration, management and rehabilitation of degraded and secondary tropical forest was held in Ghana in 2006.
Keywords: Agroforestry, Biodiversity, Forest resources, Livelihoods
Category: Capacity development, Implementation of restoration
Type: Guidance and methods, Learning and capacity development
Scale: National, Local
Dimension: Governance & Participation, Management
Organization: GPFLR
Year of publication: 2010
Given the importance of mangroves to our seascapes, it is imperative that efforts at the community level be geared towards not only their protection but restoration as well. This simplified guide outlines the steps involved in restoring mangroves in our local environments. Since there are different species of mangroves depending on location, this guide is only restricted to mangroves of the Rhizophora species commonly found in West Africa.
Keywords: Assisted regeneration, Community, Mangroves
Category: Implementation of restoration
Type: Case studies, Guidance and methods
Scale: National
Dimension: Biophysical, Governance & Participation
Organization: UNDP
Year of publication: 2019
Assisted Natural Regeneration of Trees (ANR, or RNA in French) is an approach to agroforestry which relies on local knowledge as well as natural regeneration properties. It is an approach to reduce forest destruction and maintain biodiversity. It can be used to support sustainable livelihood and for projects that aim to reclaim over-exploited land.
Keywords: Agroforestry, Assisted regeneration, Forest resources
Category: Implementation of restoration, Integrated land-use planning
Type: Guidance and methods
Scale: National, Local
Dimension: Biophysical, Governance & Participation
Organization: Landscapes for People, Food and Nature
Year of publication: 2001
This Briefing Note discusses the complementary roles of ecological restoration and biological conservation and explores the potential for their integration within a unified ecosystem approach. It describes the importance of restoration as a facet of conservation planning and includes case examples that illustrate this type of integrated approach.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Climate change, Degradation, Ecosystem approach, Resilience, Sustainability
Category: Assessing degradation & Restoration opportunities, Implementation of restoration, Integrated land-use planning
Type: Case studies, Guidance and methods
Scale: Local
Dimension: Ecological, Management
Organization: Society for Ecological Restoration
Year of publication: 2008
How can environmental degradation be stopped? How can it be reversed? And how can the damage already done be repaired? The authors of this volume argue that a two-pronged approach is needed: reducing demand for ecosystem goods and services and better management of them, coupled with an increase in supply through environmental restoration. Restoring Natural Capital brings together economists and ecologists, theoreticians, practitioners, policy makers, and scientists from the developed and developing worlds to consider the costs and benefits of repairing ecosystem goods and services in natural and socioecological systems. It examines the business and practice of restoring natural capital, and seeks to establish common ground between economists and ecologists with respect to the restoration of degraded ecosystems and landscapes and the still broader task of restoring natural capital. The book focuses on developing strategies that can achieve the best outcomes in the shortest amount of time as it: • considers conceptual and theoretical issues from both an economic and ecological perspective • examines specific strategies to foster the restoration of natural capital and offers a synthesis and a vision of the way forward Nineteen case studies from around the world illustrate challenges and achievements in setting targets, refining approaches to finding and implementing restoration projects, and using restoration of natural capital as an economic opportunity. Throughout, contributors make the case that the restoration of natural capital requires close collaboration among scientists from across disciplines as well as local people, and when successfully executed represents a practical, realistic, and essential tool for achieving lasting sustainable development.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Ecosystem approach, Ecosystem valuation, Land use change, Resilience, Sustainability, Sustainable land management
Category: Capacity development, Economics & Finance, Implementation of restoration
Type: Case studies, Guidance and methods, Learning and capacity development
Scale: Global, Regional, National, Local
Dimension: Ecological, Governance & Participation, Management, Socioeconomic
Organization: Society for Ecological Restoration
Year of publication: 2007
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