The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

International Conference on Forest and Landscape Restoration: Making it happen

25/02/2019 27/02/2019

An international conference on FLR: “Making it Happen” will be organized in Manila, Philippines from 25 to 27 February 2019 to better understand the challenges for successful implementation of restoration, especially those involving communities and the challenges to meet their potential or address the large-scale need. Aiming to bridge a gap between rhetoric and action of FLR implementation, the conference will explore these aspects: 

  • Theme 1: Lessons learned: Case studies of FLR design, implementation, and outcomes (positive and negative).
  • Theme 2: Advances in science and policy to inform FLR and improve outcomes.
  • Theme 3: Why operational guidelines for FLR are needed and what they might look like.
  • Theme 4: Engaging the private sector in FLR: From smallholders to international corporations.
  • Theme 5: Key interventions and directions for FLR.

For more information click here and contact Ms. Liz Ota [email protected] / [email protected]