The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

The Paris Agreement in action

As recognized in the Paris Agreement, forest-based options are critical to achieving nationally determined contributions (NDCs) through combined mitigation and adaptation approaches providing both carbon and non-carbon benefits. The effective implementation of the Bonn Challenge in several regional initiatives represents an opportunity to expand forest and landscape restoration (FLR) efforts and contribute to several NDCs.

The International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Ministry of the Environment project, “The Paris Agreement in action: upscaling forest and landscape restoration to achieve nationally determined contributions” will build regional and national dynamics in three regions with high potential for forests, and will increase the provision of ecosystem services through large-scale FLR programmes. Specific outputs are determined by the starting situation in the given regions: The Pacific Islands (Philippines and Fiji), the Great Green Wall Region (Ethiopia and Niger) and the Mediterranean (Lebanon and Morocco).

To implement the NDCs, the project supports:

  1. regional platforms focusing on knowledge sharing, capacity development, mobilization of innovative funding and FLR monitoring; and
  2. the implementation of existing national FLR action plans/programmes and monitoring.


The main impact of the IKI project will be to demonstrate the high potential of FLR options in the context of the Bonn Challenge to achieve the NDCs by promoting joint mitigation and adaptation approaches in Africa, the Pacific Islands and the Mediterranean.


National and regional capacities and "political will" are enhanced to successfully plan, implement and monitor large-scale programmes mainstreaming FLR as a key option to achieve NDCs in the context of the Paris Agreement.

The project does not aim at maximizing the restored hectares (ha) in the selected pilot landscapes, but it will rather set the stage to scale restoration out and up through an improved enabling environment. By demonstrating appropriate FLR technologies and approaches, the project will lead to the achievement of national and global restoration targets (NDCs, Aichi Target, Bonn Challenge and the Sustainable Development Goals) and the provision of major carbon and non-carbon benefits (water, biodiversity, livelihoods, etc.).