Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

Local finance for forest and landscape restoration

Global deforestation and land degradation threaten the livelihoods and wellbeing of millions of people. Currently, over two billion hectares of land have been identified for restoration, which creates high requirements for finance. Diverse causes of degradation and deforestation, together with diverse stakeholder needs, require different forms of financial support to implement restoration activities.

There are diverse financing and market-based sources to raise these funds, among them: development cooperation resources, climate finance, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), state budgets, environmental funds, crowdfunding and private sector investments. With governments facing more and more funding shortages and development cooperation with limited growth margins, long-term financing solutions may increasingly rely on the private sector and instruments enabling self-sustained financing (such as environmental funds).

Watch our webinars below to learn more about landscape finance and funding sources to support stakeholders engaged in forest and landscape restoration.


Three private sector investors to share an overview of their funds and mechanisms. Attendees discuss their bankable solutions and develop further connections to take forward through this virtual world cafe event. Moreover, this session provides an overview of financing instruments and investment ...


This webinar introduces the key principles and concept of Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) and its role in providing finance for FLR impact on the ground.


The topics of focus in this masterclass include introducing bankable business plans, project finance modelling and identifying bankable solutions in a landscape. This session guides participant through a typical process of development, leveraging impact with bankable business plans, factors for bankability, financing a project and reducing risk.


This deep dive discusses stakeholder mapping and the analysis of potential engagement opportunities with the private sector. The aim of the session is to create a connection map to analyse landscape factors against the size of impact and types of actor, highlighting areas of influence between actors.


This webinar introduces how investors can reduce pressures on ecosystems or contribute to their protection and restoration. It also looks at the fundamentals of private sector investments in landscapes (e.g. investor view, equity and debt, and blended finance) and identifies their potential in a landscape.


Speakers share examples of success on the ground to support forest and landscape restoration, including challenges faced and long-term outcomes, covering: the opportunities, challenges and risks associated with the development of businesses based on restoration; key elements to consider when developing a business plan; experiences and lessons learned from a case example.


This webinar uses case studies from the field to show how local finance can be used for forest and landscape restoration on the ground and presents different finance mechanisms for restoration.


This webinar presents case studies to illustrate how different investment mechanisms and strategies have been used to provide blended funding sources to support local stakeholders engaged in forest and landscape restoration.


This webinar, held in November 2018 and organized by the Landscape Finance Lab (LFL) and the FLRM (FAO) explores the importance of looking at local finance for forest and landscape restoration and reviews different local finance mechanisms.