Developing capacity for strengthening food security and nutrition


At national level, "Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia" project defines three outputs directly aiming at operationalizing the linkages between social protection, nutrition and agricultural interventions across the food systems. One output pilots policy options for food security, nutrition, social protection and agriculture interactions: advanced models for school feeding to enhance the economic and productive capacity of social protection beneficiaries are also to be implemented.


At the global level, the project promotes the insertion of regional stakeholders in global policy dialogues, including those taking place in the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). It further develops the normative content for the FAO global programme on Strengthening Food Systems for Nutrition Sensitive Social Protection and facilitates inter-regional exchanges of experiences and lessons learned, including through participation of a broad set of stakeholders in the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition.


At the regional level, the project brings together best practices and instruments for capacity development, policy dialogue and knowledge sharing on food security and nutrition strategies, including nutrition-sensitive social protection and school feeding programmes.


Three distinct “School Food and Nutrition Program linked to the Agricultural Sector” pilots are being implemented to test three different models. In Armenia, the goal is to establish school gardens in three schools, while in Tajikistan it is envisaged to establish 15 school gardens and 5 community gardens. In Kyrgyzstan the project will establish a sustainable centralized model of supply of agricultural products to meet the needs of schools and other social institutions at the district level; a total of 30 schools will benefit from the services of the Logistic Centre.