Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics


Following an in-depth needs analysis through bilateral consultations organized between FAO and Benin’s counterparts responsible for producing and using agricultural statistics, and based on the information collected through a questionnaire prepared by FAO and completed by the national agricultural statistical team, the following activities, planned for the period 2021-2024, are implemented in Benin with the aim to fill gaps in different levels of technical expertise and capacities.

  • HR Poliecies: Support in evaluating and establishing adequate human resources policies that allow the national statistical units to operate appropriately;
  • Leadership and Communication: Strengthen leadership and communication skills;
  • Scholarships: Participation in the scholarship programme;
  • Technical assistance in collecting data on and measuring key economic aggregates;
  • LOSSES: Support in collecting, measuring and analysing data on agricultural losses;
  • Basic Training: Training and support to the country in developing, implementing, and maintaining CAPI-based surveys to improve data quality and cost-efficiency of agricultural surveys;
  • Dissemination: Develop awareness on the importance of statistical dissemination policies and build the skills required for data dissemination and preservation programmes.
In a pivotal move towards fortifying Benin's agricultural statistics framework, the GSARS Phase II initiative hosted a transformative workshop in Cotonou from August 28 to September 1, 2023. Guided by expert Samba Cisse, participants delved deep into the nuances of microdata dissemination, fostering a brighter future for data-driven policymaking and effective agricultural monitoring in the region.

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13/03/2023 - 17/03/2023
