Meet the Expert #3 INFOFISH & INFOPESCA

INFOFISH Director Shirlene Anthonysamy and INFOPESCA Executive Director Graciela Pereira

GLOBEFISH Meet the Expert has the opportunity to interview Ms. Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy, Director of INFOFISH (Asia) and Ms. Graciela Pereira, Executive Director of INFOPESCA (Latin America). INFOFISH and INFOPESCA are part of the FISHINFONetwork, seven independent intergovernmental and governmental organizations covering different parts of the world, coordinated by FAO GLOBEFISH, set the FISHINFONetwork.

During the interview, Ms. Anthonysamy and Ms. Pereira explained the main challenges that fish operators face while accessing new markets in Asia and Latin America. Access to information was emphasized as one of the main problems for small-scale operators in order to allow them to explore international trade. However, small-scale operators have a significant role, as they are becoming more active not only at national level but also at an international level. INFOFISH and INFOPESCA play a key part to assist the industry regardless of their size and to provide technical support by providing access to information related to trade and market aspects. At the end of the interview, the role of women in the fisheries and aquaculture sector was highlighted as key actors of the fish value chain. The female workforce and their participation in each region are essential elements for the sector not only because women represent approximately 50% of the workforce but also because women. However, there are still many challenges for women to be tackled. 

Ms. Shirlene Maria Anthonysamy brings with her more than 19 years of experience in monitoring and reviewing the Asia Pacific fishery industry, carrying out consultancies related to international fishery trade for private companies and national bodies, publishing articles related to international fishery trade and markets, conducting training and facilitation on trade promotion, marketing and database, and coordinating national and international workshops and conferences. She holds a Masters in Food Biochemistry and Bachelors in Biochemistry and Microbiology from University Putra Malaysia. Ms. Shirlene A. Anthonysamy has been heading INFOFISH as Acting Director since May 2016 and became Director of INFOFISH in December 2018. Prior to that, she was Trade Promotion Officer at INFOFISH for 16 years.

Ms. Graciela Pereira has an Academic Education in Veterinary Sciences, University of the Republic, Uruguay. Also, her academic background includes technology, processing, quality control, marketing of seafood products. Currently, she is the Executive Director of the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean (INFOPESCA) and the President of the Latin-American Network of Women in the Fisheries and President of the Pan American Network of Fish Inspectors in Latin America (REDPAN). She has worked as International Fisheries expert, joining worldwide expertise in fisheries with the management of projects for INFOPESCA for more than 25 years in Latin America and Africa.

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