19 August 2020 - Надлежащие услуги и инфраструктура имеют решающее значение при торговле скоропортящимися продуктами как морепродукты. Российские власти осознали это и сейчас заняты реконструкцией пограничного пропускного пункта в поселке Краскино между Российской Федерацией и Китайской Народной Республикой (КНР), чтобы погранпереход был доступен круглогодично ...
23 July 2020 - Understanding the risk of exposure of humans or animals to SARS-CoV-2 from animals and their products is essential for containing virus spread, prioritizing research, protecting food systems, and informing national One Health investigations and mitigation measures. This Qualitative Exposure Assessment ...
16 July 2020 - Mercoledì 22 Luglio 2020 , Ore 15:00-16:30
L'11 marzo 2020, l'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità (OMS) ha definito il COVID-19 pandemia. I settori della pesca e dell’acquacoltura sono stati colpiti duramente e la domanda di pesce fresco è diminuita drasticamente. La riduzione della ...
02 July 2020 - The FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) is the leading inter-governmental forum where international fisheries and aquaculture issues are examined. The Committee brings together policymakers, researchers, industry representatives and civil society groups from across the world to consider the latest initiatives, ...
01 July 2020 - The GLOBEFISH team would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to all 150 participants in the first GLOBEFISH COVID-19 Fisheries Market Analysis questionnaire, whose insightful responses were fundamental in building the analysis contained in this newsletter. These inputs will also be ...