
06 May 2020 - Innovation through information and communication technologies is a key enabler in transforming food systems and holds great potential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Recent developments, such as mobile technologies, smart networks, drones, remote-sensing, distributed computing, as well as disruptive ...
02 May 2020 - World Tuna Day is observed on May 2 every year. The United Nations (UN) established World Tuna Day to raise awareness about the importance of tuna and to promote more sustainable fishing practices.   To learn more about GLOBEFISH and World Tuna Day 2020, please ...
29 April 2020 - Throughout the world, the fisheries and aquaculture sectors are facing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a view to sharing information among its countries and facilitating a reflection on future responses, the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) ...
16 April 2020 - Climate change is causing unprecedented damage to our ecosystem. Increasing temperatures, ocean warming and acidification, severe droughts, wildfires, altered precipitation patterns, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and amplification of extreme weather events have direct implications for our food systems. While ...
15 April 2020 - The full range of activities required to deliver fish and fish products from production to the final consumer is subject to indirect impacts of the pandemic through new sanitary measures, changing consumer demands, market access or logistical problems related to ...

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