Pangasius imports into the European Union

©FAO/Shirlene Anthonysamy


In 2023, total imports of pangasius into the European Union declined sharply from the previous year. In fact, some 70 000 tonnes were imported, 3 000 tonnes less than in 2022. Main supplying country was Viet Nam with a share of 90 percent of total imports, however the real share is far higher, as the second and third supplier are the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Belgium, which are mere re-exporting countries.

Total pangasius imports into the EU (in tonnes)

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Netherlands 18488 17722 16470 13798 16472 16147
Germany 10239 10843 9132 6521 8964 11913
Belgium 5900 6181 5987 4878 6574 6263
Spain 5954 6097 5278 4182 6383 5456
Italy 8212 7136 5250 4703 5866 5032
France 4616 5505 3838 3695 5080 4889
Poland 6204 5273 4593 5374 5835 4256
Portugal (Eurostat) 4238 4088 3807 2381 3449 3028
Greece (Eurostat) 2878 2950 1851 1646 2403 2116
Hungary (Eurostat) 2327 1896 1584 1821 1738 1727
Romania (Eurostat) 2291 1812 1524 1944 2070 1606
Sweden 1085 994 967 732 965 1174
Austria 1478 1752 1284 1164 1181 1114
Others 6605 6242 5172 4876 5776 5211
Total 80515 78491 66737 57715 72756 69932

Source: Global Trade Tracker

Germany has emerged as main consumer of pangasius fillets, as in this country, price aspects outnumber quality and taste aspects. Spain that used to be a major pangasius consumer some 10 years ago has continuously reduced its imports of this species. In 2023, the country imported 5 500 tonnes, almost 1 000 tonnes less than in the previous year.

In the first nine months of 2024, imports of the pangasius were stable at 2023 levels, some 54 000 tonnes were imported during this period into the EU. German imports of pangasius increased by 2 percent during the period to 9 200 tonnes. Spanish imports increased by 40 percent y-o-y to some 5 500 tonnes during Jan-Sep 2024.