

The Module 2 corresponds to the first level of intervention of LAPs, i.e. national land administration institutions within which LAPs seek to promote more efficient, better quality services.

Module 2: National Land Administration Institutions (LAI)

Approaches to evaluation

Evaluation at LAI level takes into account three specific approaches:

  • The effectiveness of LAPs using specific indicators for results in relation to the land administration services offered by LAIs to the population: registration or cadastral procedures or strengthening legal certainty of tenure.
  • Efficiency measures the results and effects of LAPs in terms of the optimal use of resources to achieve the goals set; it also refers to the improvement in the costs and time of services offered by LAIs.
  • The quality of services which seeks to measure results in terms of services offered in relation to the perception of different types of users.

The best way of achieving effective compliance with indicators of efficiency, effectiveness and quality is to define them with the participation of co-executor agencies of LAPs. They should be specific, measurable and achievable in the time allowed for the evaluation. This means that from the start of each phase, LAPs take part in the design of the main M&E system and subsystems, in training the heads of each LAI in the collection of the necessary information and in establishing baseline values.